Saturday, July 3, 2010

Grand Adventure

In the world of communication, there is one key public that we should never ignore, overlook or bypass. It is ourselves. It is this public, above all others, to which we must be totally transparent and brutally honest. Anything less, particularly with this public, is unacceptable. Even if our goal with other publics is to persuade or influence, when it comes ourselves, it is paramount that we communicate information not how we might like it to be, but rather how it actually is. After all, as has already been said many times and in many different ways, if we can not or will not be honest with ourselves, then our actions and even our motives for connecting with others are forever false.

The trick, as it is with other publics, is determining how best to communicate with ourselves even on those occasions when we may not know the answers or have all the information we might like or need. Soon, I will be embarking on a grand adventure in an attempt to gain a better understanding of my own physical abilities and desire to stretch beyond my normal boundaries. My dearest relative and I will be attempting to hike down the Grand Canyon, spend the night at the bottom, and then hike back. Both of us are very excited about this challenge and what we anticipate will be the fun that will come with doing it together. At the same time, both of us have been training hard as we have a sense this quest of ours will not be easy. It will not be a "walk in the park" even though technically it will be just that.

Many years ago my daughter and I went to the Grand Canyon, but only to see it. We did not attempt to hike any of it either on foot or on mule. Thus, I have already experienced the vast and awesome majesty of this site. By hiking up and down it, this time around I will definitely be upping the anti. This adventure represents a dramatic way of communicating with myself in an attempt to gain a better sense of where I am in my life. Hopefully, the information I collect will enable me to communicate more effectively with others as a result of learning more about me. It is my intent to share my insights - good and bad - in future entries.

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