Saturday, September 24, 2011

Life's Extremities

Recently, I visited someone in the hospital for part of the day. She is elderly and is slowly on the mend from injuring her back from a fall. In the room next to us was another elderly person. Sadly, while there, this person died. Through the wall separating our rooms I could hear the family members and friends who had gathered cry out in pain as they mourned the departure of someone for whom they obviously cared a great deal. Listening to their cries and moans, I silently watched the person I was with as she drifted in and out of sleep. This dynamic was a vivid reminder of the opposing forces that so dominate our lives on earth.

Life and death. Smiles and frowns. Victories and defeat. Successes and failures. Almost daily we experience or witness these and other stark opposites. It is a wonder how any of us manage to come even close to coping with the regular occurrence of such extremes. Perhaps the fact they are so regular - so commonplace - is what ultimately makes it easier for us to carry on with an unbending commitment to our own goals or to-do lists. No matter what the circumstances, life, for better or worse, moves on. It is one truism of life that all of have embraced. It is one truism of life that touches us all.

This relates to communication in the sense it is a common denominator for us all. Because successful communication is based largely on the identification and exploitation of what we share, then perhaps in these times of conflict it would be helpful if more of the so-called communication advisers and pundits urged their clients and all who listen to them to focus on the truisms of life we share rather than the perspectives we don't. This would not eliminate all disagreement - nor should it - but it would certainly raise the chances of all of us moving forward with more assurance and hope.

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