Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Story Ideas

One of the qualities of a good or effective media relations professional is that they always have with them story ideas to pitch to the media. Obviously, these ideas should pertain to their client or organization and be designed to showcase that which they represent in a positive light. A media relations worker without at least several ideas in their "back pocket" to pitch is not as good as they need to be. This means they need to be proactive in their thinking, always at the ready to present their client in a favorable light. Opportunities to do so are not as plentiful as one might think. That is why being ready is so important.  

Coupled with that readiness is wisdom; specifically the wisdom to know that not all good story ideas will see the light of day. In my years in public relations I worked closely with a number of reporters - print and electronic. Due to the nature of their jobs, each of these men and women were busy with little extra time to anything but what their jobs required. As a former reporter, I respected that. (And still do.) Not a day passes when a reporter is not under some degree of pressure to meet a deadline. Even though media relations workers have their own agendas, this is not something they should ever ignore in their interactions with the press.

It is those deadlines, in fact, that are one reason why not all story ideas - assuming they are good - are pursued by reporters. It is true the press is always interested in what they consider to be a good story. yet that idea must be in-sync with their interests, be timely, and be recognized as such by them as well as their editor. Thus, for a story idea to ultimately end up in print or on the air goes beyond how well it is pitched to the reporter. The story pitch is only one part of the process. But for that process to even begin, there must be an initial idea. And if that idea does not exist, then how can a public relations professional expect to generate favorable coverage for their client?    

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