Friday, December 19, 2014

The Role of the Client

Have I said lately how challenging being a public relations practitioner can be at times? If not, then let me note now that it is. Communicating messages that resonate with targeted audiences is not easy,. Even when the message is solid and the audience has been properly researched, successfully connecting the two rarely succeeds as much as one might want, hope for, or expect. With so many factors or variables that can and do get in the way of a communique, it is a wonder that any outreach efforts succeed  at all. Obviously, they do and this is no small testament to the hard work and creativity of those who communicate for a living.

One of their challenges is working with clients. Yes, the client hires the professional communicator to be creative. Nevertheless, as part of that, it is common for the public relations practitioner to train their client to put forth messages in a manner that is straight forward, understandable, convincing and believable. This is because it is often the client who is a key element in many communication campaigns. Given this reality, it is important for the client to have the proper attitude when they agree to accept the help of a professional communicator. By this, I mean being willing to put themselves in the hands of those who expertise it is to connect various publics.

Being creative is not necessarily that easy of a thing to be. Attaining and maintaining credibility is also a constant challenge. Such hurdles are not just the job of the public relations practitioner, however. They rest on the shoulders of the client as well. Generally, clients hire professional communicators because they recognize the value of effective outreach. It is vital that with that recognition comes a willingness to be part of the communication strategies that are ultimately approved and set in motion.  Clients, often in the form of corporate and organizational leaders, are an essential element in public relations.

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