Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Bring On the Grumbling!

Almost always change is hard for all of us. Many times, change occurs against our will or wishes leaving us with the challenge of having to adjust to it. Yesterday, for instance, the temperature was quite mild - much to my liking. Today, however, it is colder out and that does not please me. Now I have dress more warmly, wear a heavier, bulkier coat and spend more time indoors. Another example revolves around the bank I use - Wells Fargo. It now has a new web page. To me, it is much more difficult to conduct my business online because the new web page is confusing. It is another unwanted change. 

Granted, some changes we do want and even work to make happen. The election of Donald Trump as the 45th president of he United States is a perfect of that. Millions of folks were quite hopeful this change would come to pass. But as happy as they are these days, my guess is the reality of his ascendency to power is going to require at least some change on the part of his supporters. I further predict that not all of the adjusting that people will need to make will be welcomed. Thus, the reality of needing to shift gears is going to trigger different levels of grumbling among lots of people over the coming months and possibly even years.  

This "grumbling," I believe, is going to be a real key regarding the well being of the United States. Lately, as has been well-documented, there is much division within the U.S. Because of such things as differences in backgrounds, political views and cultures, many seem to feel they have little in common with their neighbors and others in society. Except for one thing: grumbling. Regardless of whether or not the change is wanted, all of us on some level are going to have to adjust. And you can bet, people being people, folks will grumble about it. For 2017, I hope grumbling is given its due - our common denominator - and all of us identify ways to build on it.

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