Sunday, October 27, 2019

Entering the Select Circle

2019 has approximately ten weeks left before it fades and re-emerges as 2020. While that is inevitable, I find it also comforting in the sense it assures us that no matter the trials and tribulations of the present, there is definitely a future that stands in the on-deck circle. It will have its turn at bat regardless of whatever challenges we as individuals and as a society may be facing now. The news at-present is dominated by the political posturing of our elected leaders. As part of that, each is putting forth a number of messages designed to bring those of us on the receiving end into their tents with the idea of becoming active followers and supporters.

On the surface, that is not a bad strategy for any politician to pursue, standing in front of a group of people or in front of a camera and let all who listen know how strongly you believe in such things as honest government, clean air, economic opportunity, strong defense, international leadership. The theory is the more successful one is the greater number of listeners/supporters they will collect. Also, their bully pulpit will expand, thus giving them greater and, yes, louder voice. The top dogs are heard the most. Making a place for one's self in such a select-circle is not easy, particularly since the competition is so strong.  

Each politician is vying for their place in that select-circle. Even for one news cycle, you can bet it is where they want to be. This reality of politics is not unlike the efforts the rest of us face. While we may not be talking about the same things and to the same size of audience as politicians, hardly a day passes when we do not wish to be heard above all others. Communication revolves around making one's way into that select-circle. We speak and others listen. Even better, we speak and others agree. If you are a parent, you compete with your children. At the office, you compete with your co-workers. Regardless of our station in life, entering into our desired select-circle is one more commonality that we share.     

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