Sunday, March 29, 2020

Today's Frankenstein

It was 102 years ago when the famous - or should I say "infamous?" - novel, "Frankenstein," was published. Written, of course, by a young Mary Shelley, the novel, much like the Creature itself, has very much taken on a life of its own over the years. These days I have been re-reading this classic piece of literature and have been finding it to be as impressive as the first time I gave it a look-see. I cannot help but wonder what the author would think of the many ways in which her original vision has been depicted both on television and, of course, in the movies. I can only hope she would be amused and pleased.  

Looking at these present times, particularly as they apply to communication, I can see how we have created our own Creature. Social media is a perfect example, of course, but so, too, are more traditional vehicles of communication like television and radio and the print media. In the novel, Victor Frankenstein created the Creature with the best of intentions. Unfortunately, his creation became a monster that turned his life into a nightmare. While I would not characterize the vehicles of communication that many of us utilize these days as a "nightmare," I do see how they have been and are being used for ill.

Any time a person or government official uses them to deceive, hurt and/or squash others, then they are being no different or better than Frankenstein's monster. People, including leaders, have their own agendas and at times those agendas are not in the best interest of others. Instead, they use their giant megaphones to feed their own thirst for more power. We see this every day. At the same time, thankfully, we see examples of folks making use of our impressive communication tools to improve the lives of others. Selflessness versus selfishness. A struggle that has been going on for centuries. These days, the battle is more visible than ever.

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