Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Heroes of 2010

The holiday season is rapidly drawing to a close. 2010 is standing at the door. It does not matter whether we open that door, it's going to come in any way. If, for one, am eager to usher it in as I figure the sooner we rid ourselves of the first decade of the 21st century the better. On so many levels for our nation and our world, it was pretty poor. Sadly, as we approach the first days of the next decade, there remains far too many people who seem intent on keeping us on the same path that made the last ten years so unfortunate. Those that are trying to move our country and the world to a higher, better place in terms of seeking more positive interaction, meaningful collaboration and increased selflessness are going to have to work that much harder. May they continue riding on the wings of strong hearts, open minds, sturdy wisdom and effective communication skills.

Even with these "tools," their challenge remains imposing. When faced with opponents whose only goal is to obstruct, tear down and do only what is best for them, they must be at "the top of their game" virtually non-stop. The seemingly endless health care debate is an example within the United States. On the one hand, this issue is one in which our national leaders reportedly agree on two levels: they view it as being of national importance and they acknowledge that more people in our country need health care insurance as the current system, if left unchanged, will soon bankrupt our country. So, one asks, what's the problem? To my mind, not everyone is being honest. There are enough nay sayers who really do not want to see any changes made in the health care system because they are putting their own self interest ahead of the greater good of society. They either do not want to jeopardize the financial support they receive from insurance companies or they do not want to see the Democratic administration succeed on any level or both. As a result, they make up such lies as death panels and government takeover of the health care system. It's maddening, frustrating and sad. On the international basis, another example are the terrorists, those groups whose are only goals are to disrupt, create chaos and kill innocent people. These evil-doers are in a category all their own in terms of being a black mark on civilization. No other explanation is needed.

Unfortunately, 2010 will not see the extinction of either dishonest obstructionists or terrorists. But I predict what it will see is an increase in their isolation. More and more people will recognize them for what they are and stop following giving credence to their lies and terrible ways. This will happen because of the work of the heroes of 2010 - those who speak truth, demonstrate compassion and place the betterment of society above short-sighted selfish self-interest. These heroes will win-out because of the positive actions and words that serve as their communication tools. Their struggle may not always be pretty, nor may it not be without setbacks. But this time next year it is they and, as a result, all of us, who eventually will be perched on the higher plain that is their vision.

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