Saturday, August 13, 2011

Personal Reflections

A big part of what makes life what it is is the fact it is constantly changing, evolving and full of unexpected twists and turns. As was once written in a song, "The only thing to be sure of is there is nothing to be sure of ." For me, each passing day reaffirms that truism. I am feeling that particularly today as I make this entry because it is my birthday. Number 61. I know some would interpret that as being old, while others would not. Either way, I am fortunate enough to be in good health, so I am choosing to be happy where I am in my life. And, as always, I continue to look toward tomorrow with the highest of hopes.

Just in the past few months my life has taken some interesting turns. I became a PhD and then a few weeks after that a grandfather. And, the other day, my daughter called to tell me she is getting married. My head and my heart are still spinning from it all. But, overall, in a good way. In addition, I am now assessing my own professional plans and, for the first time, am even beginning to contemplate retirement coupled with trying to devote more time and energy to teaching. Whether that happens remains to be seen, of course, but the fact I am weighing these scenarios as serious options is another new development for me.

With the various developments of the past months and possible new ones that are beginning to appear over the horizon, they all bring their own set of particular communication challenges. As a PhD, for instance, do I focus more on communicating via professional journals or lectures? If I do, then I had better do a good job if anyone is going to want to read or hear what I have to say. As a grandfather, how am I going to connect with my granddaughter in a way that is meaningful and lasting? And then there's my future son-in-law. What will the dynamic between the two of us be in the the years to come? At this point, I do not have answers to any of these questions or musings. But as I come to grips with them, I recognize the communicating I do with myself and with others needs to be on-target. It just goes to show that communication challenges are not just issues that professional communicators deal with. They belong to everyone.

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