Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Actions and Words!

"Actions speak louder that words." This is an old saying that certainly has been around longer than I can remember. Perhaps what has contributed to its durability is that it has a kind of black-and-white appeal the same way "You are either in or out" or "It is time to fish or cut bait" do. In all of those, there is little, if any, room for nuance, compromise or pursuing other options. Expressing them gives one a sense of strength, leadership, competence, power, and even conviction. Hearing them can give one a sense of assurance and security as if everything is going to be ok and that whatever problems are facing us will soon be fixed.

Unfortunately, reality often tells us that life is rarely that simple. Just because one sounds strong, strings together enough platitudes to evoke a sense of wisdom or says they care about others does not mean they are any of those things. To be effectively strong, wise and caring - to name a few virtues -,one needs to communicate those traits in both word and deed. Words place the action into a proper context. Actions by themselves do not automatically suggest those at the helm mean what they are doing. Actions and words are two forms of communication that, ideally, should complement each. Neither is nearly as effective or meaningful if carried out independent of the other.

Not only should the two be evoked as part of an overall package, they should never be contradictory. For instance, one should not say they belief in being fit unless they demonstrate that by exercising and following a healthy diet. Words and actions help determine just how credible a person is. If these do not match or are not coordinated, then how well a person can be trusted is put to the test, one that in all probability they will not pass in the eyes of the public. So, do not just talk tough, but be tough. Do not just talk kindness, but be kind. This is the best form of communication and one that the most amount of sustained support.   

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