Friday, January 16, 2015

Rocket Science

If one could construct a monument to overused expressions, then I have no doubt "It's not rocket science" would be one of those honored. This descriptive phrase is usually stated as an attempt to minimize or deflate the level of difficulty of something or even, on occasion, as a way to criticize someone who is struggling with something. Granted, rocket science is difficulty. (At least it sure sounds difficult.) At the same time, there are a lot of things that are difficult and in their own way just as complex and difficulty to grasp. For instance, why do people not find the same jokes funny? Why is beauty only in the eye of the beholder?

Communication, of course, is one of the many fields of study and practice that is not rocket science. Yet getting a firm grasp as to how best to connect with others on a consistent basis is as much of a challenge as understanding the workings of rockets. Imagine a life without being misunderstood or misunderstanding others. Without question that would be great. But the harsh reality is that it is a pipe dream. Mixed signals will also be part of our world simply because none of us articulate our thoughts as well as we always need to, nor do we listen as closely to others as well as we should. Plus, even when we are being very careful with our words and are listening as intently as we possibly can, it is no guarantee there will not be any miscommunication.

So, while communication may not be rocket science, one should not make the mistake of minimizing its difficulty. (Off-hand the only thing I can think that actually is rocket science is rocket science.) Becoming proficient in any given sport, learning to be a good cook, becoming an expert in healthcare, and helping maintain a happy relationship offer as many challenges as rocket science, too.  I, for one, tip my hat to the rocket scientists of the world and the effort they make to master a difficult field. At the same, let us not forget that often gaining a grasp of the workings of communication is just as challenging.

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