Sunday, March 29, 2015

Stability & Change

What funny creatures we are! I say that because all of us - some more than others - are walking masses of contradictions. We desire and cling to consistency and stability. Who among us, for example, does not have favorite foods and clothes and shopping places? At the same time, is there any one of us who does not seek out change from time to time? That urge helps address our desire for greater fulfillment and a sense of esteem. Both elements are very much entrenched within us. Sometimes they coexist quite nicely while other times they are at loggerheads and result in giving us a high level of uneasiness.

This reality makes the efforts of professional communicators a real challenge. These folks, for a living, strive to appeal to various publics, including potential customers, to motivate them to take certain actions and/or adapt particular beliefs. In trying to do this, the communicators are faced with the question: which part of their targeted publics do they try to appeal to in their various messages? Do they focus on that which speaks to our desire for familiarity and the peace we feel when in our comfort zone? Or do they tap into one's desire for adventure, new perspectives and bold action?

While answers to these fundamental questions are not easy to come by, they speak to just how important is it for communicators to learn as much about their targeted audiences as possible. Yes, people often lock themselves into fixed positions. But just as often they also approach each day with an open-mind and a willingness to at least consider new perspectives and/or options. These days in the United States the debate over accepting gay marriages, specifically, and gays, in general, is a perfect example of this struggle between stability and change. How easily it is resolved will be depend a great deal on the level of communication between those with opposing points of view.     


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