Thursday, July 30, 2015

How Can I Help?

There are different ways all of us can choose to go through life. One is from a "What's in it for me?" perspective. In this case, the person approaches the challenges of their day with a single-minded focus of doing what is best for them, making their goals their biggest priority. While there is nothing wrong with this, such a mindset does suggest a vision that leaves little room for what others might want or need. Another way, perhaps on the other end of the spectrum, is to approach the day with an attitude of, at least, giving the goals of others equal priority to one's own. There is nothing wrong with this, either, though it does suggest an openness that makes it difficult for one to take care of themselves.

When it comes to communication, of the two, which one is more applicable? Which vision should, say, a public relations practitioner have? Given that these professionals are in the relationship business, their attitude needs to be more of "How can I help?" As is the case in any relationship where individuals or even groups come together to content with a mutual concern or simply because they enjoy each other's company, for the coupling to truly work, each side must view things from a perspective of "us" rather than "me." In such a dynamic, what is best for the group often takes precedence over what is best for an individual member.

For those in public relations, the work day for these professionals is not about them. While they have a to-do list just like any one else, the difference is that which is on their agenda for the day is driven  by the wants and needs of others. The success of  a communicator's day is measured by how well they help others advance and, ultimately, succeed at achieving their goals. The moment a public relations worker gives their own goals greater importance or priority over others - specifically a client -  then their ability to manage how well others connect and collaborate is comprised. "How can I help?" represents a vision that helps ensure that will not happen.

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