Sunday, October 18, 2015

Our Inner Voice

How many times have we heard parents remind their children to use their "inside voice.?" Countless, I am sure. In fact, over the years, I, too, have been reminded of that as well. The reasoning goes that one should be more sensitive to those around them. Consequently, we should speak softly when inside so as to help create a more calm surrounding that we are sharing with folks we do not know. That represents one kind of "inside voice." The other is actually far more prominent in our lives. In fact, it never stops talking and does not care whether we are with others or by ourselves. This, of course, is our inner voice.

The purpose of this entry is to, in a small way, give this constant presence in our heads a well-deserved shout-out for all that it does for us. At the very least, it keeps us company no matter the circumstance. We could be alone in our car, sitting at our cubicle at work, conversing with others, or even trying to fall asleep at night and our inner voice is with us. It is bold, unafraid, unconcerned with the feelings of others or what might be "politically correct," honest, inappropriate, flip, straight-forward, funny, and insulting. It ignores the old rule: speak only when spoken to. In short, it speaks whenever the hell it wants.

Where would we be without it? For me, I would be lost. I need it, want it, and do not ever want to be without it. My guess is that is how many others would be as well. At the same time, I recognize my inner voice is not always wise or correct. Just because it pulls no punches does not make it perfect. At times, what it blurts out is downright dumb or offensive. Even though it often requires me to "clean up" or edit it's initial remarks, the fact it is unabashed is a big part of its charm. Plus, the inner voice can be reasoned with and be flexible enough to its initial outpouring. It plays a vital role in our ongoing efforts to communicate. Thank you "inner voice."

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