Wednesday, November 9, 2016

A Great Loss

I am grieving. The country I loved died tonight with the election of Donald Trump as the next president of the United States. While I always found it upsetting that he had gotten as far as he had in the election process, I figured come election day the country would do the right thing and end his political aspirations. After all, the man is blatantly corrupt, a liar, immoral, a hate mongor, and with no experience in terms of running government or knowledge of domestic or foreign affairs.  His style of campaigning revolved around insults, tapping into the worst instincts of people, and covering up his own ignorance through bombast. No way people would elect him over a person who was and is the opposite of all that. Right?

It turns out the people did just that. The America that showed itself in this election is one I do not recognize, one I do not know. Yet here is it for all the world to see. Up till now, I have seen us as a nation that values decency, caring for others, honesty and tolerance. That America was overrun by one that is darker. Unrecognizable. A new USA has stepped forward. I want the old one back, yet fear it is gone forever or certainly for the rest of my life time. My perception of the country has been knocked for a loop. Actually, it has been pushed down some monster garbage disposal. This new America is light years less than the one I loved.

What happens now?  I wish I knew. I suspect truth will no longer be what it used to be. My sense is communication will consist of lots of talking at with very little talking with. And I will continue to hurt and feel removed from the country I loved. It is gone. Replaced by folks who most definitely see life a whole lot differently than I do. Replaced by folks whose values are not mine. When did I become so out of touch with this new reality? My immediate plan will be to cope one day at a time. Maybe some time in the future my America will return. If so, I sure don't see that happening any time soon.

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