Friday, November 11, 2016

Perception Power

Here I am. A few days after what I and apparently many others throughout the world view as a most disastrous presidential election. (At the same time, there are countless others who are still celebrating the outcome.) My emotions a few days ago were raw. They still are. The difference is I am putting on a better public face. Perception is a big deal in these current times. People see me smiling, then they view me as being ok. If Hillary Clinton is perceived to be corrupt, then it must be true. Right? If Donald Trump is perceived to be strong and a great businessman, then that's the way it is. If the current band of Republican leaders are believed to be economically prudent, advocates of individual freedom, and concerned for the welfare of folks from all stations of life, then that, too, is how it is.

Perception goes a long way. The trouble is when those who strive to project certain images begin placing greater emphasis on maintaining that image rather than communicating the actual truth behind it. The downfall of the most recent Bush administration is when it became clear the truth did not match the perception. My sense is this is what is going to be happen with the Trump administration, only it won't take as long. Bush was able to hide behind a war on terror. Where is the Trump team going to run for cover? Still, we should not underestimate the power of perception. It won the day in this past election despite all evidence that soundly contradicted it.

Slick communicators know this. They know people, generally, gravitate toward that which gives them comfort. They know people far too often believe what they want to believe no matter how factually wrong they may be. This reality, very much on display this past election, is as maddening as it is heart breaking. It also leads to misguided choices and, ultimately, a great deal of harm. As a result, things for the United States and the world are going to get a lot worse before they get better. Shame on the folks that will be behind this. And shame on so many "regular folk" who were too intellectually lazy to see behind all the false imaging. There is and will be plenty of blame to pass around.

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