Saturday, March 18, 2017

Wanted: Credible Communicators

Back in the nineteenth century, the great statesman Benjamin Disraeli wrote a trilogy of novels. In one, there is a passage in which he describes the great divide between rich folks and poor folks: "Two nations; who are as ignorant of each other's habits, thoughts and feelings, as if they were dwellers in different zones or inhabitants of different planets; who are formed by a different breeding, are fed by a different food, are ordered by different manners, and are not governed by the same laws." reading that today, I am struck by how well that seems to describe much of the divide currently being experienced nowadays.

I am not necessarily referring to economic differences as much as Disraeli was. Rather, we seem to be witnessing a sizable gap characterized by perceptions, attitude, emotions, and information. Together, they have created a gap which seems unbridgeable. Those not in seats of power are resentful and frustrated and those currently in those positions do not seem all that inclined to make any meaningful adjustments to reduce that which separates the two. Thus, what exists remains so and, in fact, even seems to be growing. It does not take a Disaeli to recognize that such a path, if allowed to continue, will not end in a good way.

What is needed is some great communicating that recognizes the perspective of both camps and then helps the two identify those values and goals which they share. I am aware many will say this is being done. Maybe so. But, then, how come the divide is continuing to fester and grow? Communicating is only as good as the degree of credibility which is attached to it. My sense is neither side views the other as being all that credible. Where, then, are the credible communicators? We need men and women who both speak and listen with empathy and respect and who are recognized as doing so.

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