Saturday, May 20, 2017

Little Dogs

They approached each like two gunslingers from the old west. Neither hesitated as they moved closer and closer to each other. Without question, a fight was about to erupt. The two combatants would rush each other without hesitation or mercy. Pity the person who stood in their way. Then, seemingly at the last moment, each one's owner gave a sharpe yank on the leash on which the two would-be enemies were held. The fight that seemed inevitable was stopped before it started. The two apparent enemies would have to wait another day before settling their score. Time would have to pass before one would emerge as top dog.

The two gladiators I witnessed in this scenario were actually little what I would call yip-yip dogs. Tiny little critters with chips on their shoulders. Their attitude was one of deviance. Pity any challenger that got in their way. What they were communicating was "Respectful interaction is for sissies........No way am I interested in what anyone else has to say." The two little dogs we're not interested in any kind of meaningful interaction. Forcing their will and/or view on others seemed to be the only thing that interested them. Fortunately, cooler heads in the form of their owners prevailed. There was no fight that day.

Looking at those two dogs, I could not help but reflect on the attitude many people today seem to carry with them. I base that on the polarization that exists in the world today. More people than is healthy walk around with little or no desire to interact with others having different or, even worse, opposing perspectives. As a result, we see much talking at rather than talking with. The result is division and high differences. It is fine to have a firm but varied perspective. What is not great, however, is  not respecting what others might be thinking. This comprises any chance of actual or meaningful interaction. That is never a good thing.

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