Friday, February 15, 2019

Long Live the Fourth Estate

Let me say right up front that the press in the United States is not the "enemy of the people." Any one labeling them as such is more deserving of that title then the press or media will ever be. Since becoming President over two years ago, Donald Trump has hardly let a day pass without not only being critical of the American press, but charging them with working against the interests of the American people and the country itself. Even now, it is hard to believe that a President of the United States, who took an oath to support and defend free speech and a free press, would put forth these baseless charges with such regularity. What is equally upsetting is the fact that so many of his followers seem to believe him.

Watching tapes of Trump's speeches and rallies is difficult because of all the anger and hate that comes from this man. Like all presidents, he has an active and enthusiastic base of core followers. Based on what I have viewed, so many of these folks seem to hang their hats on everything Trump says without taking the time to determine if any of what he is saying is true or valid or with some degree of substance. It does not help that Trump himself has not taken the time to fully explain why the press is the people's enemy other than to not like what they report. Nevertheless, he is the President and because of that people pay attention to his every word.

The press is vital to the standing of our government and, more to the point of this blog, a key element in the level of communication that occurs in each our daily lives. I will strongly support the freedom of our press - "The Fourth Estate" - as long as I live. Yes, may years ago, I was a reporter. But far beyond that, I recognize for our country and its elected officials to come even close to succeeding, an independent voice is needed to help keep them and all of us on-track. The great majority of press outlets - broadcast and print - are highly responsible and dedicated to reporting truth. Trump would do better if he acted more like the press.

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