Sunday, December 29, 2019

Moving into an Important Year

2019 is rapidly drawing to a close. With that, there is the irresistible temptation to summarize these past 12 months. For me, though there are just three days to go before 2020 steps front-and-center, I still feel too-close to 2019 to give it what I would view as a proper analysis. Given that, I will say one major concern that I have about this year and one that I will be carrying into the next revolves around a major aspect of communication: honesty. The truth. Without question, it has been very much under siege this year.

I readily concede this trend is something in which all of us share a level of responsibility. However, the bulk of the responsibility falls at the feet of the one with the loudest and most-listened to voice. Yes, I am talking about our President. His disdain for the truth is unprecedented. Unmatched. While our country has certainly had dishonest presidents in the past, we have experienced nothing like Trump. According to The Washington Post, since assuming office in 2017, he has told over 15,000 lies. Some even call him the Liar-in-Chief. Putting aside whatever psychological reasons there are for his pathological behavior, the fact is his dishonesty is having a significant impact on the country, particularly those that support him.

Whether his supporters include individuals, other elected officials or the media, the fact Trump cares little for being honest, then such behavior emboldens those that seek to back him up. Often they echo his falsehoods or, at the very least, ignore them. Week-after-week this past year this dynamic has carried on. As a result, what is true has not been standing on firm ground for far too long. Moving into the next 12 months, the act of being honest seems to no longer be as clear-cut as it used to be. This is why I see 2020 as being pivotal when it comes to the truth. This time next year the truth will either be totally knocked for a loop or back on its feet. No question, 2020 is going to be important.

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