Saturday, October 3, 2020


Call me old fashion or old school or just old, but I like information. I like that entity that gives you facts. I like it best when it does not come wrapped in fancy ribbons or off-the-wall hyperbole. The benefit of information speaks for itself. It needs no showcasing of any kind - at least for me. Just share it in its straight-forward glory and I am good-to-go. I like it best when it is not weighed -down with opinion or heavy emotion. The power of information is that it needs none of that. Its power speaks for itself. Big time and with a level of consistency that is unmatched. But don't take my word for it. I bet there is no one who does like or need information, too. In fact, our embrace of it is so strong that we get upset when information is withheld or it is not presented in its entirety. Incomplete information is unfair to information and, more importantly, to any of us on its receiving end. Another great thing about information is that it lets us decide what to do about it or with it. If we take certain action as a result of it, then that is on us. Or if we decide to do nothing based on it, then that is okay, too. Information does not push itself on any one. Rather, it says "Here I am. Do with me what you want." It does not judge. It does not second-guess. It does not crticise or, for that matter, praise. Any issue I may have with information is not directed at information itself but the agents of it. I applaud those who communicate it accurately and in a timely manner. For those who do information wrong by presenting it inaccuately or not in full, then I say, "Shame on you." You are the true villains of informastion-sharing. You are the "bad guys" of communication. Sadly, in our world today, there are more than enough "bad guys" thank you very much. I am not just talking about public figures. They are among us. They are "regular folks." At times, they may even be us. We must all continue to concentrate on being one of the "good guys" when it comes to information. It is a daily battle.

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