Tuesday, November 3, 2020


The entry I am making now falls on a very significant day in American history: 2020 presidential election. As I write this, over 100 million votes have already been caste. Experts are predicting this year's electrion between Trump and Biden will see the largest voter turnout very possibly in the history of our nation. If that turns out to be true, then I will be delighted. The more people who participate in our nation's democratic process, then the better it is for all of us. After all, an engagged citizenry is what we are supposed to be about. Particularly in a democracy, the health of the nation is only as strong as the active interest of its people. Democracy is about choice. Making one. Sometimes the choice is easy. Sometimes not. Sometimes neither alternative is appealing. For too often when faced with candidates that do not measure up to a voter's ideals, voters here in America have opted to not vote at all; not make any choice. I have always found such behavior to be most unfortunate. When voters decide not to fulfill their civic duty, then we all suffer. The democratic form of government that defines the United Statres suffers. It becomes weaker. Elections are designed to help people determine the direction of the nation. To turn away from that represents a level of apathy that benefits no one. Think how this might apply to communication. When interacting with another, we all have a choice to make as to how we are going to communicate with that person. Be friendly? Be rude? Talk at but not with? Not talk at all? If any of us choose not to communicate at all, then what does that say about us? What is another supposed to think when assessing our character? If given a choice, I am sure we would all prefer that people not think ill of us. As a result, we should behave accordingly. We should choose to communicate in a way that helps make sure that does not happen. This election day, I hope as many people as possible make a choice. I also urge all of us to make a positive choice when it comes to communicating with others.

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