Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Challenge of Evolution

I wish to officialy add my name to the list of those who believe evolution is a good thing. I like, for instance, the fact that once we used to walk bent over but now walk upright. I like that once the only thing that could fly were birds but now mankind has multiple ways to take-wing and not die in the process. I like that once there were diseases that could kill us but now thanks to numerous medical advances we can deal with pretty easily. On a personal note, I like that once I ate food with my hands but now am able to use utensils so as to not make a mess and get all of the goodies in my mouth without spilling it all over my face or on the floor. Yes, evolution is a good thing, especially when it equates with progress. Of course, evolution does not come without a price. With it comes a need for us to adjust and change our behavior so as to ensure the evolutionary step takes-hold. One example is toothpaste. The invention of toothpaste designed to help keep our choppers healthy and white is a good thing, but now we have to incorporate it into our schedules using it two-three times per day to ensure we benefit from it. No discussion of evolution would be complete without mentioning communication. Over the past few centuries the number of evolutionary changes regarding this field and act have been staggering. Not only can folks on different sides of the planet speak to each other, but they can do so in "real time" and face-to-to-face. When it comes to communication,one very tricky aspect is incorporating it into our own evolution as individuals. Every day I am bombarded with information. The result is I have some tidbits of information in my head today that I did not have yesterday. At the sametime, there probably are some nuggets I had that I have either forgotten or no longer need or want. This forces me to make some adjustments on a constant basis. This influences how I comunicate with others. It also impacts how others communicate with me. Progress, yes, but also constant challenge.

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