Friday, September 19, 2014

Finding a Sense of Direction

Never underestimate the benefits that come with having a good sense of direction. There is no question that one has a better sense of security when they know where they are going. No question one leaves the house in the morning on more firm footing when they know where they are going. Even if their intended destination is a place they are not looking forward to seeing, the assurance of knowing the path to take provides comfort. Not having a sense of direction only adds to one's anxiety and makes more difficult any effort they might be making to achieve a goal or move forward in anything close to a positive manner.

For an example of an entity without such a sense, one need look no further than the National Football League. The NFL and its teams have been very much in the news these days trying to deal with the misbehavior of players who are having issues with the law regarding disturbing incidents of domestic violence. The NFL's problem is that it had no clear idea what to do if players - off the field - ever broke the law. For instance, a player caught with an illegal substance is given one penalty. A player reported abusing their child is dealt with in another way. A player caught physically abusing their fiancé is reprimanded in still another way.  No consistency. Little sense of proportion as to the punishment.

The result is an outraged public and a NFL commissioner under siege as he tries to explain the league's decisions and attitudes toward these various incidents. So far it is not going well. One reason is because the NFL is playing catch-up in deciding how to deal with player behavior the general public finds unacceptable and extremely serious. When it came to certain acts of misbehavior on the part of its players, the NFL had no sense of direction. The league is now trying to find it. Until that happens, how much of a price it will pay remains to be seen.

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