Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Challenge of Relationships

Make no mistake, relationships are hard. Whether they are personal or professional, in many ways they represent the most difficult of challenges when it comes to communication. By definition, the coming together of two individuals, entities or multiple publics signifies a sustained interaction which calls upon all participants to stop putting their own needs and/or interests as their top priority and, instead, giving those of their partner equal importance. It requires sacrifice not just for a moment, a day or even a week, but for a length of time that, ideally, has no end in sight. This sacrifice, in essence, becomes the "new norm." 

People enter into a relationship for the fundamental reason they believe such an alliance will better their current status. Two companies, for instance, join forces to increase their profit margin and visibility. On a more personal level, individuals come together for better enjoyment and in the belief such a coupling will enhance their own level of happiness. These, of course, are legitimate reasons and ones that are followed, recommended and defended virtually every day. Unfortunately, however, such actions do not always work out or, in a storybook way, enjoy a happy ending. The primary and most fundamental reason for this is poor communication.

When joining with another, a key element in such a decision is that when it comes to communicating, one must listen as much as they talk. There are not too many of us who do not enjoy spouting off from time to time. But when in a relationship, this means we need to let our partner do likewise all the while giving them the kind of friendly ear we want from them. Is this always easy? No way. This is especially true when we do not agree with what the other is saying. Nevertheless, healthy relationships are born from mutual respect and good old fashioned courtesy. When they cease to exist, it is only a matter of time before the relationship itself does the same.

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