Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Word Collectors

Growing up, I used to collect comic books. My primary interest revolved ones involving super heroes. This is no doubt why today I have a soft spot for movies involving super heroes. Given that, I sometimes wonder if folks who used to or still do collect stamps would have a special affinity for any movies revolving stamp collecting. (It is very difficult to say, of course, since there do not seem to be any films on that particular hobby. Perhaps some day.)  As I aged, my interest in collecting comic books dwindled down to zero. While I may still read one form time to time, those collecting days are a thing of the past.

Since entering adulthood, the bulk of my time has revolved around the communication profession. In that ever-evolving world, I have taken on a new thing to collect: words. Whether it has been as a journalist, speech writing, teacher, author, public relations specialist or spokesman, the currency around which my efforts have revolved is the word. It has not mattered if the word is spoken or written, my quest has been driven by collecting as many as possible. The challenge has been in the collecting. In addition to that, of course, it has been centered on figuring how best to make use of the words I collect.

Serious word collecting is no small or even easy thing. While everyone does it to a certain extent since we need that unique symbol to connect with others and express ourselves, there is no question there are some word collectors who are better than others. To me, the elite of these folks are ones who not only have the most words at their finger tips, but are able to do the most effective job of weaving them into their day to day conversations and/or writings. These folks know the meaning and essence of the words they collect and are able to make the most use of them in order to connect with others and present their thoughts in a most clear manner. To those of us who are not part of that elite group, I say "keep collecting." All of us will be the better for it.     

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