Saturday, July 11, 2020

Growing a Beard

Given the pandemic and the fact that we are being encouraged to stay home unless necessary, a challenge many of us share these days is, "What to do?" For me, I have been reading more than usual, watching television (of course), yard work (not my most fun thing), and I have even returned to trying to play the piano. It's fun but slow going. At this point, given my progress, the only way I am ever going to get into Carnegie Hall is to buy a ticket. That aside, something else I have being doing for slightly over a month now is grow a beard. At this point, one thing I can attest to is the fact  watching facial hair grow is not the most exciting thing in the world to do.

Yet here I am. My beard is almost 100 per cent white. Despite that, I do not see working as a department store Santa Claus any where in my future. In fairness, that was never a goal with this venture of mine any way. Mainly, I have gone this long without shaving more out of laziness than anything else. It is just something not to do each day. With our stay-at-home existence these days, not shaving has, in a strange way, become one thing I "do" each day now. Any one reading this right now may be wondering, "So what?" Who cares whether I have a beard or not? And, either way, what does this have to do with communication? All good questions.

Regarding the communication-angle, this beard has given me a new perspective on my face. I look at myself in the mirror differently now. Same face, of course, only different. Do I look older? (Yes.) Better? (No.) More distinguished? (You gotta be kidding.) One thing I will say is it has made the times I do check myself out in the mirror more fun. Also, this new look, regardless of how much longer it continues, has reminded me that change can often be a positive experience as it heightens one's appreciation of what used to be and strengthens one's ability to be open to new experiences and perspectives. This beard of mine has broadened what I communicate to myself.   

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