Saturday, September 19, 2020

A Very Personal Act

One aspect of communication that is not discussed all that often is how personal it is. It is very personal. Off-hand, I can not think of any thing that is more personal than how we present ourselves or how we communicate with others. Are we polite? Cordial? Rude? Off-putting? Whatever the answer may be, it gives a window into the kind of person we are. Yes, that glimpse may speak to us at thet specific moment in time, but it also showcases us on a deeper level. Whether we interact with what I will describe as a non-essential person in our life, such as the person behind the counter at a local movie theater or one who is essential such as a relative, then we are revealing us. "This is who I am," we are saying to them. What would we like that person's response to be to such a declaration? Do we want them to think positively about us or negatively? How about indifference? Don't forget tramautic. The list of possiblities is endless. Whatever answer we either choose or prefer, the reality is it is one in which we play a major role in answering. For instance, in a little while I am going to go to our local grocery store to pick up a few items. It is my decision to make as to how I present myself to the person in the check-out line or to other customers. Regardless of how I am feeling or whether I am having a good or bad day, this is my call to make. Whatever decision I make will heavily influence how I am perceived. It is on me, not them. Each act of communication has a purpose. But so, too, does each act leave an emotional footprint. We leave an impression with every facial expression, physical act or turn-of-phrase. Yes, the message is important, but so is the act of presenting it. This is how it is with communicating. How we communicate is how we are regardless of the circumstances. Bottom line: if we want others to think well of us, then we need to commuicate accordingly. It is a very personal act.

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