Saturday, October 14, 2017

How Can I Be Better?

It is a question one is not asked very often. At least in my experience, rarely have I had another adult ask my view on how they might improve as a worker. Many of us, I believe, might ponder such a question to ourselves, silently in our own heads. But to come forward and out loud ask for direct feedback on such a personal level is not common. I mention this because it happened to me just a few days ago. Someone whom I supervise at work is leaving soon. She asked if she could talk with me and - pow! - came right out and asked moments after we sat down. Yes, I was surprised but also impressed.

That aside, my response revolved around communication. Specifically, it pertained to the mindset of how we approach interactions with other. Do we connect with another for the purpose of getting out of that what we can or do we try to communicate in a way that serves the interaction or exchange itself? Remember: serving the interaction does not mean not trying to obtain information we seek or passing along an opinion, for instance, we wish to share. Without question we have these needs. The challenge comes in seeking to achieve those needs without running rough-shod over the needs or feelings of others.

The worker with whom I talked already does a commendable job of putting her needs in the context of the greater good. Like me, she falls under the umbrella of the organization itself and is charged with striving to ensure its goals are met successfully. I urged her to continue to be mindful of this as she moves on with the next phase of her life. Whether it is a company where we might be employed or a relationship we wish to preserve, I believe we all fall under a "greater good" in all aspects of our lives. That is what we need to serve and no way can we do it more effectively than by communicating effectively and with regard to other's.

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