Sunday, October 22, 2017


Let us cut to the chase. We all come from a mother and a father. We all laugh and sing and cry and bleed and get hurt feelings and reach out to others when we can. We have hopes and fears and strengths and weaknesses. We can be mean and selfless all in the same day. We enjoy the company of others yet do not shy away from alone-time when it appears. We have skills and talent yet appear silly depending what it is we are doing. We know a lot, yet know less a lot more. The list of qualities and characteristics and traits that define us is practically never-ending. Yet when asked to describe ourselves, our usual response is just a few words.

So, what does all this mean? What is the grand total when all all these variables are added up? The answer, as I see it, is we are complex creatures. We may appear to be simple and God knows do all we can to view each other in the most simplistic terms. Yet the truth is we are multi-layered and deserve never to be described in a broad-brush way. We are too intelligent and dumb for such categorizing. Our complexity runs far too deep for that. Given that, is it any wonder that communicating effectively with each other rarely goes smoothly? Is it any wonder that communication within humanity is, at best, uneven?

Things that do come easily are so easy and even tempting to discard. After all, who wants to work hard on anything all the time? Yet that is the challenge of communication. If it is to be done well, then it requires hard work, non-stop tenacity and much patience. This is why communication is so exhausting. It is unrelenting. But who better to meet the challenge then all of us who comprise humanity? We owe it to ourselves to never turn away from the challenge of communicating well because doing that hurts no one but ourselves. For the sake of humanity, we need to step up to the challenge ever day.

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